Good Riddance to Pomp and Circumstance
Virtual commencements put the graduate back in graduation. By Kate Shipley Richey Unprecedented times call for unprecedented adjustments, which has led countless colleges and universities to cancel, postpone, or replace their regularly scheduled commencement ceremonies with virtual commencement events. As these institutions scrap months, if not years, of planning, university officials and other curious observers wonder how to replicate the grand scale of a university-wide … Continue reading Good Riddance to Pomp and Circumstance

Higher Education on a Cliff – Part 2
Three Ways Fraternity & Sorority Life Makes a Difference on Campuses. Continue reading Higher Education on a Cliff – Part 2

Getting Tech Savvy With It
Four tips for delivering online learning. Continue reading Getting Tech Savvy With It

Higher Education on a Cliff
Why and how Fraternity should be mobilizing in a crisis. Continue reading Higher Education on a Cliff

Sports Cancellations Create New Concerns
Mental health and academic progress now the top concerns for college coaches. By Kate Shipley Richey The cancellation of spring sports was a major moment for sports fans—no March Madness, no baseball Opening Day, and a return to the buzzer beaters of yester-year—but few of us probably took the time to consider what it meant for the student athletes, themselves (not just the ones we’re … Continue reading Sports Cancellations Create New Concerns

My Five-Year-Old Coworker
Lessons learned from sharing an office with my family. Continue reading My Five-Year-Old Coworker

Adjusting to Remote Work Isn’t as Easy as They Say
If you’re struggling with these things, you’re not alone. Continue reading Adjusting to Remote Work Isn’t as Easy as They Say