Preparing for the Fall – Considerations for Returning to Campus

In May, the cast of Friends reunited after 17 years since filming their last episode.  The reunion episode brought colleagues back together and created a space for those colleagues to reflect on the time they spent together and the time they were apart.   In many ways, getting to the start of the 2021-2022 academic year has felt like 17 years.  Almost all of our … Continue reading Preparing for the Fall – Considerations for Returning to Campus

Integrating Online Risk Prevention Education with College Programs: A Conversation with The College of New Jersey

It is not uncommon for colleges and universities to require students to complete an alcohol education program prior to the start of their first year or when they sign up for a student organization. Based on amendments passed in 1989 to the Higher Education Act, providing alcohol and substance prevention education is a federal requirement of all institutions of higher education. The federal and institutional … Continue reading Integrating Online Risk Prevention Education with College Programs: A Conversation with The College of New Jersey

LMS 101: What is a Learning Management System?

There has been a lot of talk about online or remote learning over the past year.  Many people were forced to experience it firsthand. Whether it’s been a positive experience or a frustrating one, a lot more goes into effective online learning than putting up some slides with content or holding a Zoom presentation. Effective online learning takes considerable planning and ongoing management.   Before diving … Continue reading LMS 101: What is a Learning Management System?


Board Fundamentals

“I feel like we should have more structure,” a young professional who works for a Board shared with me recently.  While working in a nonprofit “start-up” (yes, start-ups aren’t always for-profit companies), I was asked, “What advice would you give me, knowing what you know and doing what you do?” She’d been working with a consultant on a strategic plan for the past year and, … Continue reading Board Fundamentals

Using Research for Program Efficacy and Improvement: A Conversation with Kappa Alpha Order

Many organizations and nonprofits seek to make a positive impact on the people they serve by providing programs and services. Significant resources, including time, staffing, and money, are invested in providing programs and services intended to bring upon certain outcomes. While observation can be an effective tool in assessing the successful fulfillment of outcomes related to a program or service, other methods of research and … Continue reading Using Research for Program Efficacy and Improvement: A Conversation with Kappa Alpha Order

Managing Holiday Stress

When looking up examples of oxymorons I expected to see the term ‘Holiday Stress’ at the top of the list right next to ‘sweet sorrow’ and ‘passive aggressive’.  But what I’ve come to realize is that for many people, the terms ‘Merry Christmas’ or ‘Happy Holidays’ are likely more synonymous oxymorons. If you’re like me, holiday stress has become a natural part of the season. … Continue reading Managing Holiday Stress

Developing 2021 Goals Backed by Research and Data

Finishing a race. Reaching the top of the mountain. Mastering a new skill. Big or small, achieving a goal is exhilarating. Beyond a sense of accomplishment, setting and achieving goals can have positive psychological outcomes such as increased energy, persistence, and motivation (Locke & Latham, 2012).  The benefits of good goal setting do not just apply to individuals, but organizations too. Goal setting has been … Continue reading Developing 2021 Goals Backed by Research and Data